The “Lost Years” of Baby Sea Turtles Revealed in New Study
There is nothing quite like mounted transmitters atop the shell of a baby sea turtle to help scientists track and account for the “lost years” in the early life of…
Facebook Undermines Well-Being: study
The social media venue Facebook was designed to allow people social interaction from home and make them happy. A study from the University of Michigan has shown that the social…
Sea Lion Disentangled from Braided Net
Officials from the MMRC (Marine Mammal Rescue Center) were sent to Vancouver Island recently to rescue a sea lion trapped in a fisherman’s net. The braided net was wrapped around…
New Zealand Strange Sea Monster Actually Killer Whale Remains
Visitors to a New Zealand beach have been equally fascinated and repulsed by seeing a strange sea creature which has recently washed up on the shore. Some consider the 30-foot…
Smell of Rotting Whale Carcass Stuns Motorists
Canterbury, England – In what amounts of a modern day “Canterbury Whale”, a haul of a dead and decaying sperm whale left motorists gagging from the stench. The unfortunate whale…
Earth’s Latest Asteroid Near Miss
On the morning of May 31st the latest in a series of asteroids passing close to Earth will pass about 3.6 million miles from the Earth. At just after 4PM…