Updating Your Phone to Android 10 Q Beta Has Never Been Easier: Here’s How
When we hear “beta”, we think about the trial version of a software. The Android 10 Q Beta is that version that’s prior to the official release, and it has…

How To Get Android Q Beta On Your Google Pixel Smartphone
Google has released a preview version of the upcoming Android Q, the Android Q beta, maintaining an established tradition since the company has always released a beta build during early…

Android Q Beta: How to Make It Better Through the Feedback App
Those of you who want to install the beta version, probably already have the Pixels ready, and you’re just waiting for an announcement from Google. It seems that the company…

Android Q Beta Comes on the 11th of March
It’s been some time since we started wondering when the beta version of Android Q would make its appearance, given the fact that all the releases have happened during this…