Watch Footage of Top Virtual Reality Racing Games!
Playing Need for Speed or Asphalt 9 on your computer or console can certainly be extremely fun, but playing similar games on a Virtual Reality platform can certainly be the…

The End of the Smartphone Frenzy is Near, and Here Are the Next Big Tech Trends
In recent years, we can barely find a person who doesn’t own a smartphone. Opting for a feature phone (aka a mobile phone with a physical keyboard) nowadays will surely…

Crossfire Sierra Squad: Check Out the Summer Game Fest 2023 Trailer
Crossfire Sierra Squad is an intense VR experience that transports players into the world of military combat. We’re talking about a captivating arcade shooter that offers a unique blend of…

Angry Birds Made It To Virtual Reality With Angry Birds VR: Isle Of Pigs
Angry Birds launched in 2009, and it quickly became one of the most popular games ever. Many titles, mostly spinoffs, and even a movie have emerged since then, but there…

The Mad Box Will Be “The Most Powerful Console Ever Built” – Writes Slightly Mad Studios CEO
The studio behind the famous Project Cars franchise, Slightly Mad Studios, just announced that they are working on a console of their own which will be called the Mad Box….