Clash Royale’s Shocktober Brings New Card: The Electro Dragon

Was Supercell only focusing on Clash of Clans’ October Update and the War Leagues, forgetting all about Clash Royale? It seems not, as they just revealed a new card right before the end of this month. In a Halloween themed episode on the TV Royale, Seth and Dave have talked about the new card that will be released in two weeks.

Clash Royale New Card: Electro Dragon

With the introduction of this new card into the popular mobile game, the mechanics will change for a bit. But don’t worry, the card will be available in two weeks, so there’s enough time for building new strategies.

Supercell announced in the latest episode of TV Royale that the Electro Dragon will be joining the party. It is a five-elixir Epic card which you can unlock in Arena 11, Electro Valley.

According to the description of the card, the dragon “spits out bolts of electricity hitting up to three targets.” This means that players can use the card to shock enemy targets with electric blasts.

The episode showed a teaser on how the Electro Dragon can be used. For example, if your opponent sends a tank and some weak troops behind it, the dragon’s attack hits the tank and bounces off the targets, damaging them. You can use the Electro Dragon to counter cards that are weak to electricity – like the Inferno Tower or Sparky.

As with any card, there are strong points, and there are weaknesses too. The Electro Dragon will struggle against cards that send out more than three troops like Goblin Gang or Minion Horde. It seems that Minion Horde will be the main card to use as a counter for Electro Dragon, but you can also use Goblin Gang or Skeleton Army to keep the enemy’s card occupied.

It’s so great that Supercell introduced new gameplay mechanics – watch the latest TV Royale episode on YouTube.

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