The competition was used by Telegram’s designer in order to throw fuel on their innovative fire. It began with their competitors but as they started to turn things down a notch, the company began to think. That’s how Telegram X emerged, as a way to continue competing – this time, internally – and it ended up resulting in two parallel lines of clients and a battle for dominion commenced.
Telegram X beta
This app represents a project written from scratch, emerging from a brand new code base without having anything in common with older apps. The goal of Telegram X is to bring something fresh to the franchise and seek new purposes: convenience, animation quality and speed being among others.
This app began as an experimental one and it seems that it may soon take the place of the existing ones. Even if this supposition doesn’t become true, Telegram X still worked as a stimulus for the further development of Telegram, proving to be an incredible way of testing new ideas and tech.
Android version
Telegram launched two years ago a contest for Android developers and it led to the birth of Telegram X. This new app came with a new design, increased speed and it proved to be more battery-efficient. Also, it supports bubble-free chats, allowing your screen more breathing space for texts and photos.
Tapping and holding will allow you to preview something without having to open it. It works with anything from ‘Groups in Common’ and ‘Calls tab’ to sharing and forwarding menus. Another benefit is represented by the swiping actions which will allow you switch between Chats and Calls or using a single swipe to forward a message.
New emojis are added to spark up your chats and bug fixes improved the overall experience.

Tim M. Hill helped bring Digital-Overload from a weekly newsletter to a full-fledged news site by creating a new website and branding. He continues to assist in keeping the site responsive and well organized for the readers. As a writer to Digital-Overload, Tim mainly covers mobile news and gadgets.