The Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee encounter a big success in the game industry. These monster-catching series are combining the classic Game Boy games and elements from Pokémon Go.
In this article we listed some useful tips and tricks to have the best experience while playing it on Nintendo Switch.
The most important action that makes it a classic in the Pokémon series is throwing the ball. Pokémon Let’s Go has a system that reacts at movement just like on Pokémon Go. Your arm has to be straight and then swing to throw Joy-Con or Poke Ball Plus. You have to hit the center of the circle when it gets smaller to catch it for sure. The circle is red, orange, yellow and green and shows when you have the best possibility to catch it and also by giving berries to the Pokemon you increase the chances as well. We recommend playing in handheld mode in order to target the Poke Balls just by moving the Switch and then press the A button to throw.
Do not hesitate to explore the map. On your journey you collect many items and Pokemon and make sure you enter into houses and have a conversation with the other characters. They might give you some extra gifts.
Catch as many Pokémon as you can even if you already have them. Making “Catch Combos” will give you extra XP, NPCs will reward your activity and the most important fact is that it increases the chances of finding rare Pokemon.
Pokémon Let’s Go allows players to swap Pokemon any time. To do so you open your Bag from the Main Menu and select the Pokemon Box.
You can now play along with a friend! Simply shake your second Joy-Con or Poké Ball Plus to activate it and your friend will be part of your game and battle together with you. Anytime your partner wants to stop from playing just shake the Joy-Con or Poké Ball Plus one more time. If you manage to throw in the same time, and catch, you both get bonuses.
There are Type Charts available on the internet to help you prepare based on which gym you are about to go. The more Pokemon you have from all the categories, the bigger are your chances to be prepared for any battle.
You start the game with Pikachu or Eevee and we recommend you to add Squirtle, Charmander and Bulbasaur to your collection. When you hit 30 Pokemon, Bulbasaur will be available in the Viridian Forest or you find it at the Pokemon Center in Cerulean City. Talk to the man from Nugget Bridge on Route 24 once you have 50 Pokémon to obtain Charmander. For Squirtle talk to Officer Jenny who is at Vermillion City but only after you have caught 60 Pokémon, or watch out on Route 25.
You can now connect the Pokémon Let’s Go with the Pokémon Go account in order to import any Pokémon from the mobile game to the other.
To do so follow the next easy steps:
- Open the Options menu in Let’s Go
- Select Open Pokémon Go Settings
- Confirm you want to connect your Go account
Then on your phone:
- Open up Pokémon Go
- Select Settings
- Then click on Nintendo Switch
- Connect to Nintendo Switch.
This exchange is permanently! You can transfer the Pokemon once you arrive at the desk from the Go Park complex in Fuschia City.
![Vadim Ioan Caraiman](https://i0.wp.com/digital-overload.com/wp-content/wphb-cache/gravatar/989/989bf083fb4c3fa29dc0d3a0a5a5531cx100.jpg?resize=100%2C100&ssl=1)
As a passionate gamer since the 1990s, Vadim has kept his passion alive since then, and he is here to cover video games news, as well as to share with you all the novelties out there regarding gadgets or games-related tech.