Clash of Clans update: January Bat Spell balancing
Released on 7th of January 2019, this update is quite a small one as it keeps its focus on one thing. In spite of the nerf from the previous Clash of Clans update, in comparison to other spell choices the Bat Spell remained too powerful. One more time the number of Bats spawned has been limited, and the first attack delay has been made longer.
Clash of Clans January Bat Spell balancing patch notes
Bat Spell
Fewer Bats are nor spawned for each level of the spell: Level 5: 21 (down from 22). Level 4: 16 (down from 18), Level 3: 11 (down from 14), Level 2: 9 (down from 12), Level 1: 7 (down from 10).
The delay for the first attack is now longer by 50 percent, from 1.0 second to 1.5 seconds.
One thing that has not been changed yet is the damage.
Clash of Clans update: December Balance update overview
Released on 12th of December this Clash of Clans update looks like it should have been controlled more thoroughly before being released, after taking into consideration the fact that a balance update has bee released by the development team only two days after the big launch. There were a lot of complaints from fans, but Supercell did not hesitate to answer.
Two new elements are being focused on by this balance update. Those two elements were introduced in the December 2018 update and to be more specific. It nerfs the new Siege machine the Stone Slammer, and the new Dark Spell Bats. There is a long list with the changes introduced in this update, and some of them are the fewer Bats number, the damage of the Stone Slammer, and the number of Siege allowed to be stored.

Tim M. Hill helped bring Digital-Overload from a weekly newsletter to a full-fledged news site by creating a new website and branding. He continues to assist in keeping the site responsive and well organized for the readers. As a writer to Digital-Overload, Tim mainly covers mobile news and gadgets.
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