Top Mercy Abilities in Overwatch Along With the Best Strategies to Use


Mercy is a vital healer in Overwatch because it has some wonderful tools to keep her in play, and her ability to revive heroes is the difference between victory and defeat in a match. Are you curious about the powers that Mercy possesses and the techniques that you may employ to boost your success in the game? Make sure that you read the guide below and explore all of the characteristics that Mercy possesses.

Best Mercy Abilities in Overwatch

Guardian Angel [LSHIFT] 

The cooldown for Guardian Angel is so low that you may spam it frequently to save the life of a teammate or retreat to a black-line hero if things become dodgy. However, because Guardian Angel is a bit floaty, it will take a few tries before you are able to use it gracefully. Not bad!

Caduceus Blaster [2]

It is not possible for Mercy’s Blaster to cause the enemy to flee, but if she is assaulted without any support, it has the potential to be rather powerful in attempting to scare away heroes who are vulnerable. 

Angelic Descent [Space]

It is likely that you will have a limited number of opportunities to utilize this, but it has the potential to be useful if you activate Guardian Angel on an airborne Pharah. This will allow you to damage boost her strikes until you fall back out of range. Neat!

Caduceus Staff [LMB/RMB]

Their damage is increased by the RMB beam, and shifting between the two is fairly fast, so you will want to become used to going back and forth between the two. Because of its liberal auto aim, Mercy’s Caduceus Staff may be quite cumbersome to use while attempting to heal a wounded hero in a situation when there are a lot of other people nearby. 

Resurrect [Q]

There will be a little delay in casting this (some find this quite annoying); however, all heroes will be returned back to full health after the wait. Due to the fact that there is a range of 15 meters, placing yourself correctly might be a challenge.

Mercy’s Most Commonly Applied Tactics

One of the most significant issues that some of us have with Mercy is that we are reluctant to take advantage of her ultimate ability, which is Resurrect. The reason? Well, probably because we are afraid that other heroes could die immediately after. But Mercy is dedicated to a single goal: ensuring the survival of heroes. As a result of the fact that the healing beam emanating from her Caduceus Staff is powerful enough to heal through the majority of assaults, you will want to be immediately behind them in order to keep them alive in the event that your tank comes under severe fire.

Mercy is able to spend a far greater amount of her time trailing high-damage heroes such as McCree, Roadhog, or Widowmaker, exploiting her increased damage to make them even more dangerous. This is only possible if the team is resilient. 

Another thing to try is, when a hero begins to take an excessive number of damage, you can utilize Guardian Angel to quickly go over to them and heal them. Despite the fact that healing is extremely important, a Mercy who is able to maintain the health of her team while also providing damage buffs remains more successful than a Mercy who simply goes about all over the place healing everyone and does nothing else. Take notes!


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