Now that we are in Season 19, Bungie has provided us with more motivation to take on the DSC raid, including new perks, the ability to craft weapons, and an Origin characteristic. In any massively multiplayer online game (MMO), raids are meant to be the most important activity. Not only are they expected to be challenging and call for teams that are well-coordinated, but they are also designed to offer the most valuable loot that is currently available. In light of this, let’s investigate what the loot in Deep Stone Crypt has to offer and find out more!
Deep Stone Crypt in Destiny 2: Loot Table
Despite the fact that there is a great deal of content to investigate, the following is the loot table for each encounter in the Deep Stone Crypt, which includes both weapons and armor:
There has never been a time when Deep Stone Crypt weaponry has been more popular. In addition to having the ability to be created, which means that they also have access to increased perks, all Legendary weapons have been extensively overhauled to include a new Origin Trait, new perks, and, hands down, the ability to be crafted. Incredible!
There are also seven different weapons that can be discovered during the raid on the Deep Stone Crypt. These include the following:
The Deep Stone Crypt: How to Farm It Yourself?
It is now possible for us to farm as a result of the release of the Deep Stone Crypt, which makes use of the Spoils of Conquest. After you have successfully vanquished the last boss, you will see that a chest referred to as the Cache of the Crypt will appear immediately next to the chest that normally appears after an encounter has been completed. Neat!
This Cache of the Crypt is an excellent addition to the game because it enables you to make purchases of particular weapons and armor by utilizing Spoils of Conquest, which is the new currency for raid payments. What’s more, the game has just included a rotation system, which means that every week, a raid will be featured and will become infinitely farmed for loot for that particular week.

I’m a huge fan of writing, reading, cinematography, and old cars. Punk and rock music are my jams, and I’m all about diving into everything tech and science-related.