Android Q Beta: How to Make It Better Through the Feedback App

Those of you who want to install the beta version, probably already have the Pixels ready, and you’re just waiting for an announcement from Google. It seems that the company…

Fortnite Update: Xbox One and PS4 Cross-Play by Default in Battle Royale

Sony has turned on the cross-play for Fortnite, as an option for the beta version on the PS4 in the last fall. However, the latest patch for this popular game…

Apple Wants to Launch a Video Streaming Service with Original Content

We’ve known for a while that Apple wants to release its own video streaming service. On Monday, Apple has talked about its plans for the 25th of March media event….

Apex Legends Battle Pass Details Leaked

The only thing we know about the Apex Legends Battle Pass is the fact that it exists. No further details have been provided, except for the fact that it there…

Division 2 Come with a Day One Patch, and It’s Big

We’ve all seen day one patches for games- it’s not uncommon for this to happen, especially when they come from big studios. These studios are able to identify and then…

Android Q Beta Comes on the 11th of March

It’s been some time since we started wondering when the beta version of Android Q would make its appearance, given the fact that all the releases have happened during this…