Google Announces New Interface For Android Auto

Google’s I/O annual event is one of the most anticipated tech-related events of the year. It always brings users exciting news about their favorite devices. Before the event to begin,…

​Tips To Read WhatsApp Messages Without the Sender Noticing

Everyone uses WhatsApp nowadays as it has an incredible user-friendly system for messaging. However, many are unhappy with the fact that it displays the two blue ticks when they read…

iPhone Battery Life May Not Be As Good As Apple Claims, According To Recent Reports

According to a recent report, iPhone smartphones have lower battery life in comparison to what Apple claims, and in some cases, the difference will reach more than 50%. The report…

Firefox Releases an Update That Restores Add-Ons

A significant failure concerning cybersecurity occurred on Firefox browser, causing all the add-ons, search engines and other features to be disabled. Because of the unexpected outage, many Tor users have…

Mozilla Firefox Released A Hotfix After This Week’s Unpleasant Incident

Many users of the Mozilla Firefox complained about a significant issue with the browser’s performance. Reportedly, the issue was affecting several computers at the same time, involving add-ons. It seems…

New iPhones to Come with a Faster Charger. Will You Pay More?

The option of fast charging has come as standard for many of the Android phones for years, and right now, it seems we’re getting it for iPhones, as well. The…