The Cash App: What Are the Best Alternatives If You Live in Canada?

Money (probably) won’t bring you happiness, but guess what? Their absence will certainly bring you misery and pain. And nowadays, when the internet is making us more connected with one…

What Are the Best Streaming Services in Canada? Check Out Our List!

Canadians, such as any other people out there on the planet, are in love with streaming services. And why wouldn’t they be? The idea of paying a small fee each…

Watching Peacock TV in Canada: Is It Possible?

Peacock TV is one of the numerous streaming services that Americans use; in fact, it’s an American service and a pretty impressive one! It’s a very young service, as it…

Netflix in Canada: How Much Does It Cost?

For a lot of people out there, Netflix is the bee’s knees when it comes to streaming their favorite content online. Surely, there are both pros and cons, as many…