League of Legends Teamfight Tactics Compared to Dota Auto Chess
This week, Riot has revealed a new game mode in League of Legends called Teamfight Tactics, an autobattler game mode that uses champions from League of Legends and has some…

League of Legends 9.13 PBE: Illaoi, Udyr, Malphite, Pyke, Wukong Balance Changes
The latest balance changes in League of Legends’ PBE target five champions: Illaoi, Udyr, Malphite, Pyke, and Wukong. We already know most of Wukong’s and Malphite changes, as they have…

League of Legends New Game Mode: Teamfight Tactics
A new game mode in League of Legends will be introduced in PBE this month! It’s called Teamfight Tactics (TFT), and according to League of Legends’ new post on their…