Budget-Friendly Ways to Call Your Friends or Relatives Abroad
Let’s say you’re in a remote romantic relationship. While it may sound absurd to some people, why wouldn’t such relationships exist in a world that’s going online more and more?…

Top Video Calling Apps That You Should Try in 2024
We’re in 2024, which means that there are lots of video-calling apps out there to choose from! All you have to do is select the one that suits your needs…

How to block another person’s WhatsApp account by knowing only the phone number
The WhatsApp network is targeted by an exploit as embarrassing as it is serious. Using the usual procedures for authenticating WhatsApp and recovering allegedly compromised accounts, you can almost permanently…

How To Make WhatsApp Video Call on Your PC?
WhatsApp is well-known as one of the world’s most trusted apps when it comes to video calling. Especially during the unfolding pandemic times, and that will probably even worsen in…

WhatsApp will allow you to play voice messages at high speed, but only on iOS
WhatsApp is testing a new function for playing voice messages at variable speed, adjustable in the range of 1.5X-2.0X. Of course, the normal speed option remains available as the default…

What can you do if you have an old phone so as not to lose access to WhatsApp from January 1st
As of January 1, WhatsApp will no longer work on many older phone models with Android and iOS operating systems. Examples are Samsung Galaxy S2, iPhone 4 or Motorola Droid…