It’s easy to see why people are frustrated.
I didn’t see The Wonderful 101 Kickstarter being handled so badly, it’s really disappointing.
I still don’t have the Switch copy I backed & I’m going to have to pay a ?17 import fee.
The game is up for pre-order for ?40, due on Friday. I will have paid ?50 to get it late.
— Max Max (@MaxLWright) June 28, 2020
Fans clearly aren’t happy.
Got my The Wonderful 101 customs fee ??
— Zhampy ?7/12 4???26a (@zhampip) July 4, 2020
That shirt says it all.
UK Fans to Hideki “Import Tax” Kamiya After #TW101 Kickstarter @PG_Kamiya @theyetee #Kickstarter #Wonderful101 #platinum #cheapskate
— John Lemon (@remniscingLemon) July 3, 2020
Some are even reaching out to Kickstarter about it.
@kickstarter have you seen the negative press around wonderful 101, and platinum games breaking your terms? (Not mentioning potential import charges until days after campaign launch) If so, what are you going to do about it? Looks to be a bunch of pissed of people! Me included
— simon hutchinson (@SiHutchinson78) July 2, 2020
The campaign was a bit messy from the start.
Oh joy, have to pay a customs fee so my copy of Wonderful 101 can arrive. Should’ve bought it through Amazon, this Kickstarter has been a shambles.
— Sean #BlackLivesMatter Hickman (@Slazoking) June 29, 2020
Having to pay more than retail is a tough pill to swallow.
not only was the wonderful 101 kickstarter more expensive than the game is retailing for i now have ?17 customs fee 🙁
— ? (@delfinoholiday) June 29, 2020
Some are happy to have the game in hand, at least.
Finally got my copy of The Wonderful 101 Remastered that I backed on kickstarter! It does suck that I had to pay for customs but i’m still excited to get around to playing this!
— Gamecore (@TheGameCore1) July 4, 2020
Not everyone is sympathetic, however.
The absolute idiots moaning about being charged import duty on their Wonderful 101 Kickstarter orders. Like, what did they expect if they get something shipping from another country?
— Nick (@ROBLOGNICK) July 5, 2020
Tim M. Hill helped bring Digital-Overload from a weekly newsletter to a full-fledged news site by creating a new website and branding. He continues to assist in keeping the site responsive and well organized for the readers. As a writer to Digital-Overload, Tim mainly covers mobile news and gadgets.