What was once looking like a year full of The Walking Dead content has instead been played with delays and new plans. Now, following thee announcement of The Walking Dead Season 10 finale which has been delayed from earlier this year debuting on October 4, AMC has revealed The Walking Dead will be getting six additional episodes in its tenth season which will air early next year. Production on this episodes is expected to take place later this year, spanning the timeline of almost half of a season’s work, allowing what would essentially be the back half of a season’s production to air at the same time as the back half of a season typically would.
The Walking Dead has previously been renewed for an eleventh season but production has not been able to begin on the new episodes, so Season 11 will debut in the fall of 2021 with production of the next 16-episode run taking place during a normal schedule from April through November of next year.
Meanwhile, Fear the Walking Dead is slated for an October 11 debut of its sixth season, running through the episodes which aired prior to production in Austin, Texas being shut down in March.
The cast of The Walking Dead and chief content officer Scott Gimple will be featured on ComicBook.com’s live Comic-Con recap show on Friday night. For information on how to watch, head over to your official invitation!
“We’re continuing to work on the future season remotely,” The Walking Dead showrunner Angela Kang told Comicbook.com in April. “Writing, I think, is the easiest process to do remotely, and even that is a little… It’s tricky. We’re not quite able to work at the same exact pace as we would when we’re in the office, but we were very close to finishing 16. We usually deliver the episodes for a big effects-heavy episode about two weeks before we air. We were about a week and a half out at the point which California shut down.
“What is continuing remotely is the effects that can be finished, but even after all of that’s done, all the shots need to be laid in. There’s a color process that needs machines to be finished. There’s sound work that we usually do on the Warner Brothers stage, and that’s very complex mixing equipment that you can’t just move into somebody’s house overnight. And multiple people work on that.”
Are you excited for more episodes of The Walking Dead? Share your thoughts in the comment section or send them my way on Instagram!
The Wallking Dead‘s Season 10 finale will air on October 4 before more episodes return on AMC in the spring.

Tim M. Hill helped bring Digital-Overload from a weekly newsletter to a full-fledged news site by creating a new website and branding. He continues to assist in keeping the site responsive and well organized for the readers. As a writer to Digital-Overload, Tim mainly covers mobile news and gadgets.