Not only Signal and Telegram have enjoyed an increase in the number of users in the last few weeks, but also the alternative to Facebook, MeWe. The new social network attracted over 2.5 million users in a single week, becoming the most popular Android application and rising to third place in the top iOS. The reason many choose MeWe as an alternative is that it puts user data protection first.
Dissatisfied users of Facebook and Twitter are moving to more “private” networks such as MeWe
While Facebook is still the dominant social network, MeWe could become an important rival over time. The alternative network was launched in 2016, but in 2020 it barely managed to reach nine million users. However, the discourse on privacy and data protection in the online environment in recent times has managed to lead to an accelerated growth of this social service.
MeWe currently boasts 15 million users, 50% of whom are in the US and Canada. It seems that the network is enjoying success especially in Hong Kong, where it is the most popular application on mobile platforms. This is probably because users do not want to be tracked online, as MeWe does not use their data to sell it further, to use it in ad targeting or to make it public in any way.
Other features that can make users switch to MeWe from Facebook are the lack of ads and the lack of manipulation of the news flow. This means that the information displayed does not appear there based on an algorithm, as happens on Facebook.
Being an ad-free network, MeWe offers users premium subscriptions of $ 5 per month for access to more advanced features such as the ability to use videos in Story, unlimited voice and video calls, emojis and unlimited sticks. , unlimited themes, 100 GB of cloud storage and a virtual badge that is displayed on the profile. Those who do not want these features can use MeWe for free without any other limitations. Also, sticker, emoji and theme packages can be purchased “piece by piece” from the network store.
Under the current conditions, the rapid growth of the MeWe network could continue, as many users are still abandoning ‘traditional’ social services due to data security issues.
Robert J. Smith is still early into his career as tech reporter but has already had his work published in many major publications including JoyStiq and Android Authority. In regards to academics, Robert earned a degree in business from Fordham University. Robert has passion for emerging technology and covers upcoming products and breakthroughs in science and tech.