Unleash The Wrath of Your Heavenly Blade Onto Your Enemies in The Third Age, a High-fantasy Strategy MMORPG Game

The Third Age is Optimized for Html5 Although The Third Age was released in April 2019, the global Free-to-Play browser video game publisher R2 Games has optimized their strategy game…

Choosing the “Right” Online Relaxing Games

A top online casino will have around a dozen – perhaps more – roulette games. It’s obviously not the same as a real casino, where space might be at a…

Teamfight Tactics Patch 9.14 [PBE]: Updates, Balance Changes, Ranked and The New Champion

We have already learned a lot about Twisted Fate’s… fate in Teamfight Tactics last week, but this time we will talk more about TFT in 9.14 and see more details…

League of Legends 9.14 PBE: Aatrox, Akali, Galio, Lux, Mordekaiser, Pyke, and More Balance Changes

New balance changes have been added this week in 9.14 PBE, focusing on further tweaking Akali, Blitzcrank, Bard, Cassiopeia, Fizz, Galio, Jayce, Lux, Pyke, and many others. The list of…

Teamfight Tactics Top 3 Team Comps To Choose For Ranked

With the Teamfight Tactics Ranked mode getting introduced in the League of Legends client as soon as Patch 9.14 goes live, we’re all here playing TFT like crazy, trying to…

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite – Everything You Need To Know About Greenhouses

You’ve passed by a blue building on your map, and after tapping on it, you saw it’s called Greenhouse. What do these buildings give us and how should we make…