The Design on iPhone 11 Revealed in A 3D Model

Remember when Apple used to have a top-secret phone that was supposed to be released in 2019, but then it was revealed early, together with info about the handset’s triple-camera?…

Kingdom Hearts 3 – Square Enix Presented All The Worlds Available In The Game

Kingdom Hearts 3 is just a few days away, so it’s the right time to review all the worlds available in the game, as presented by Square Enix, the games…

Showbox 5.26 APK Version is Available: Why Shouldn’t You Download it

According to some sources, the streaming app ShowBox gets its new version, the 5.26 APK, that was actually supposed to make its appearance on the 3rd of January. However, the…

Overwatch Year of the Pig Event: Skins Revealed for Brigitte, Torbjorn, and Zenyatta

Who isn’t hyped about a new event in games? Blizzard knows how to amp up their fans by revealing some sneak peeks of the skins that will be introduced. The…

Best Tools for Downloading Videos on Android Devices

Nowadays, social media channels are used in different ways. Let’s take Facebook for example. The main trend is to post images and communicate, but modern users have GIFs and videos…

TubeMate vs. SnapTube – Which App Should You Download?

To make it easier for you, we will talk about some aspects of both of the apps so you will be able to choose the one that suits you best….