League of Legends 9.13 PBE: Pyke And Qiyana Balance Changes, and More News
Last night’s changes in PBE rolled out, and they focused on balancing Pyke and updating Qiyana’s tooltips. Let’s check out the new stats below. At the end of the article,…

League of Legends 9.13 PBE: Qiyana Abilities, Stats and Skins
The new League of Legends champion Qiyana is now available for testing in 9.13 PBE and will be released in two weeks when 9.13 goes to the live servers. Unfortunately,…

League of Legends 9.13 PBE: Illaoi, Udyr, Malphite, Pyke, Wukong Balance Changes
The latest balance changes in League of Legends’ PBE target five champions: Illaoi, Udyr, Malphite, Pyke, and Wukong. We already know most of Wukong’s and Malphite changes, as they have…

League of Legends Teases Qiyana, The Empress of the Elements
It’s here, folks! One of the two champions that were revealed during League of Legends‘ champion roadmap earlier this year has just been teased on their social media. “The people…

League of Legends 9.13 PBE Sneak Peek: What To Expect?
With League of Legends’ communications strategist Hanna Woo announcing that the next update cycle of the game will have its doors open to the public, we were able to see…