League of Legends 9.13 PBE Sneak Peek: What To Expect?

With League of Legends’ communications strategist Hanna Woo announcing that the next update cycle of the game will have its doors open to the public, we were able to see…

League of Legends 9.12 PBE: Irelia and Ryze Balance Changes

League of Legends‘ Riot balance team is still working on the changes for patch 9.12. Yesterday we saw the changes in 9.12 PBE focusing on more champions, and today Irelia…

League of Legends 9.12 PBE: Aatrox, Ashe, Caitlyn, Irelia, And More Champions Got New Balance Changes

League of Legends’ PBE is constantly changing and today we’ve got a few more champions getting new buffs or nerfs. Some of the changes are relative to previous 9.12 PBE…

[6/3] League of Legends 9.12 PBE Balance Changes: New Ryze Changes, Tentative Tweaks on Sylas

As we promised over the weekend, there are more changes to Ryze during 9.12 PBE cycle and we’ve got the stats directly from Riot Repertoir who shared them on Twitter….

League of Legends 9.12 PBE: New Balance Changes to Sylas, Ryze, Updates to Mordekaiser And More

UPDATE: New changes in 9.12 PBE have arrived: League of Legends 9.12 PBE Balance Changes: New Ryze Changes, Tentative Tweaks on Sylas The latest updates on 9.12 PBE include more…

New League of Legends Champion: Possible Leak – Who Is Aphelios?

Did you see that coming? Neither did we and to my defense, as a main support, I don’t watch guides for other champions. But I browsed Voyboy’s Mordekaiser guide and…