Yuumi Shows Up In LoL 9.10 PBE: Early Patch Notes Reveal The Champ’s Interactions and More
We’re all waiting for tomorrow’s 9.9 Patch to go live, so this can only mean that PBE also got updated in the meantime! In today’s PBE, 9.10 has rolled out,…
New League of Legends Champions Teased In Riot’s Champion Roadmap
We’re not talking about the new enchanter support called Yuumi, which is “just around the corner,” as Reav3 mentioned in the recent champion roadmap! Riot Games revealed their champion roadmap…
League of Legends: Patch 9.2 Preview and the New Champion Sylas
Just when you thought that Riot Games was taking a break for the holidays, they have prepared an awesome beginning of 2019 with a new champion reveal and some updates…
League of Legends Teases New Champion That Wants to Destroy Demacia
Finally, a new exciting plot twist in Riot Games’ League of Legends. They teased the next champion that will join the game in four images which show us several hints…