When it comes to Android video players, MX Player is one of the most popular choices. The app is one of the most reliable video players. It can provide subtitles and it comes with numerous useful features. You can only install the MX Player from the Google Play Store.
Lately, users complained about an error they encountered while using the app. MX player is not showing SD card videos. In this article, we will show you how you can fix this issue.
Solve the problem
While the MX Player does come with numerous benefits, it is important to solve its issues as well. Watching a video via SD Card on MX Player sometimes leads to the error ‘MX Player not showing SD card videos’.
The name
Sometimes the name of the file could be the problem. See if it starts with “.” If it does, the video list on your SD Card will be hidden. You need to go to Settings, List and enable “Show hidden files and folders”
Hidden folder
Sometimes the file you are looking for won’t be displayed because the video folder on the SD card is hidden. Therefore, you need to make the hidden folders and files visible once again. For that you need to go to Settings and enable the “recognize.nomedia” option. You can also enable the “show hidden files and folders” option from Settings.
Accidentally selecting the hide option
Sometimes you may select the hide option without knowing when you long press a folder. If the path of a video file is in the list of the video folder just select it and press the “show button”. If you exclude the path, you need to go to Settings, Lists and then enable the “File Extensions” option.

As a passionate gamer since the 1990s, Vadim has kept his passion alive since then, and he is here to cover video games news, as well as to share with you all the novelties out there regarding gadgets or games-related tech.