The last weeks have been very sad for people who like to use live streaming apps. Due to unknown reasons, Showbox, the famous app for Android users and the iOS correspondent, Moviebox, stopped working for some time. According to voices from the tech industry, the sudden outage might have been caused by an ’’assault’’ of cloned versions imitating the original app.
Now we know that these apps can be cloned, but this information arises more question marks. For example, are they legal replacements and have the same features as the original APK or they are insecure, threaten our devices and we should do everything we can to avoid them?
Before using any of the mentioned apps we should know that their use is not legal and they can damage our devices
When it comes to live streaming apps, big controversies appear. To begin with, we will mention that Showbox and Moviebox provide free access to content that is protected by copyright. In this case, users shouldn’t be surprised if they end up being sued for watching and downloading movies without paying a penny.
Another important mention is that people should be aware of the technical problems and security breaches that might appear during the moments when they stream or download movies and TV shows by using Showbox or Moviebox, use these apps in a VPN. Since the apps facilitate access to content by invisibly connecting users to torrent repositories, viewers might become the targets of traffic monitors.
These people are “following” those who download music, videos and movies illegally by using BitTorrent. Don’t think that they cannot find you if you only do it once, because they use a technique called IP address tracking.
The situation is even more serious if you use cloned versions of Showbox. In this case, it becomes easier for supervisors to find you and malware to get into your phone while you are using the app. The conclusion is that you shouldn’t use Showbox. If you cannot help it, make sure that you are not using a clone and that you secure your IP address with a VPN for Torrent.

As a passionate gamer since the 1990s, Vadim has kept his passion alive since then, and he is here to cover video games news, as well as to share with you all the novelties out there regarding gadgets or games-related tech.