League of Legends Patch 9.11 Goes Live on May 30: What to Expect?

The latest patch in League of Legends, patch 9.10 went live on May 14, introducing Yuumi, balance changes to champions, items and the Conqueror rune. Starting with the introduction of…

League of Legends ‘Quick Gameplay Thoughts: May 24’ – Champions Targeted For Updates

Are you ready for this weekend in League of Legends? Well, you can rest easy once you learn that Meddler, the Design Director at Riot has shared some insight on…

League of Legends 9.11 PBE Updated, Nerfing Akali, Galio, Master Yi and More

Updated (May 23): Tonight’s latest changes include some good news for Teemo and Malphite fans – all changes in 9.11 PBE have been reverted. Wukong’s changes were reverted and the three…

League of Legends 9.11 PBE: Wukong, Malphite, Yuumi and Janna Balance Changes

Last week we saw the changes in 9.11 PBE that were introduced for testing over the weekend. They focused on Janna, Wukong, and Malphite. Check them out to see what…

League of Legends Patch 9.10 Thoughts and Future Changes

How are things in Patch 9.10 with all the changes introduced so far and with the new support champion? Looking at players’ reactions, we’ve seen that Yuumi’s impact in fights…

Yuumi Buffed in Early Game: League of Legends Mid-Patch Update

Patch 9.10 went live on 14 May in the League of Legends client, bringing the new champion to the fields of justice. We did expect to see some early changes…